Healthy Living

Providing the community with the skill, knowledge, and resources needed to fuel their body correctly

The food that we eat every day becomes the fuel that our body uses to function. Making sure that the right kind of food (and in the right quantities) is essential to living the fullest life possible. This is extra important to those in the hospital or with pre-existing conditions. Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital has an entire team dedicated to providing the community with the skill, knowledge, and resources needed to fuel their body correctly.

Meal Planning

In an outpatient setting our team will work with clients to create a meal plan dedicated to the specific needs of the client. Our team takes into consideration aspects such as age, activity level, pre-existing conditions, and previous lab work to create a plan that ensures that the client is getting the right level of nutrients. These meal plans can also take into consideration the food preferences of the client to ensure that it is something they can stick with over the long term.

Meal Prep

Our hospital patients’ meals are created to help in the healing process. The dietary team works in conjunction with the medical team to provide the patients with the nutrition they need. Eating the right food and in the right proportion is vital to the healing process.

Through the onsite cafeteria, Rolling Plains is also able to provide access to meal prep for community members in the outpatient setting. This is a fantastic service for those recently out of the hospital or with living situations that make preparing healthy meals for themselves difficult. If this is something that might be beneficial to you, please reach out to our team.

Consulting For Healthy Living

Clients that want to improve the nutritional value of the food they eat but are not in need of complete meal plans or pre-prepared meals, Rolling Plains does offer consulting services. This service is great for someone that wants to make sure they understand how different foods affect healthy living.


The cafeteria at Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital is one of the best kept secrets in Sweetwater. Not only does the cafeteria provide nutritional meals to all our inpatients and staff, but it is also open to the public (please check current COVID-19 restrictions before coming). We are proud to offer our neighbors and community members daily options of high quality, healthy, affordable food. Stop by and see why everyone loves the Rolling Plains cafeteria.

Our Team

Brenda Hollis

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