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Employee of the Month

 LPC Emily Wolford is the June Employee of the Month

Emily Wolford, LPC

In 2022, Doug Dippel tasked Katie Carter with building a Behavioral Health Program for the hospital. The need was great and offered RPMH another avenue to serve the people of Nolan County. There was and still is a great demand for this service; so much so that Katie hired a new counselor, Emily Wolford. It is because of Emily’s compassionate care for a little girl and her family that she received this nomination for Employee of the Month.  

Emily consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication and commitment to her clients. Her compassionate and empathetic approach to therapy has made a significant impact on the well-being of those she serves. Emily's professionalism and a cheerful outlook create a supportive and inclusive environment for both her patients and coworkers. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and support her team and has a true dedication to her patients. She has a commitment to growth which is evident through her continuous pursuit of learning, even leveling up while being employed at Rolling Plains. She is an invaluable member of our behavioral health team, and her contributions consistently elevate the quality of care we provide. Emily embodies the qualities of an outstanding employee. Her exceptional work ethic, empathy, and dedication to her patients make her a deserving candidate for the Employee of the Month.

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