May 10, 2022

May Employee of the Month

Mira is a hard working person that genuinely cares about those around her.

In June, Mira was hired to replace an employment who had been in their position for over 35 years and has done an amazing job. She is a hard working person that genuinely cares about those around her.  She is always polite and always grateful for any assistance you offer.  With the push to save paper, she is taking the prize. Mira had saved over 30,000 pages of paper because she is utilizing the tools provided.  At the same time, she is setting a fantastic example for not only those in her department, but for all of us.  Mira is a shining example of what we should all be, she is courteous, friendly and a hard worker.  She is an outstanding employee and represents the employees of Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital well.